Treatment by a rehabilitation doctor.

Get advice from a certified specialist.
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Cropped close up of a female doctor using ultrasound scanner examining injured knee of her patient pain arthritis injury healthcare medicine profession occupation technology.

Finding the cause of your pain.

Cropped close up of a female doctor using ultrasound scanner examining injured knee of her patient pain arthritis injury healthcare medicine profession occupation technology.

Often, it's necessary to treat beyond the site of pain.

  • At the beginning of treatment, it’s crucial to identify the correct cause of your issues. This is often more complicated than it seems. Only a small percentage of problems can be treated solely at the site where it hurts. To maximize the effectiveness of the treatment, your doctor will ask you a series of questions that will help guide the treatment in the right direction. 
  • The diagnostic abilities of rehabilitation doctors are extensive. Whether it’s a clinical examination, the use of modern diagnostic techniques, or the interpretation of laboratory test results, they are well-equipped to find the root cause. 
  • At Fyzio Svět, the rehabilitation doctor has access to ultrasound examinations, which allow for quicker identification of both acute and chronic issues.
Plastic model of spine on table of osteopath

Treatment by a rehabilitation doctor.

Plastic model of spine on table of osteopath

Targeted and effective application of medications.

  • Pharmacotherapy. The rehabilitation doctor can support and accelerate the treatment process with appropriately chosen pharmacotherapy.
  • Injection of Medications. Injection (of therapeutic substances) into tendons or directly into the joint, more information on injections available here
  • Indication for Shockwave Therapy or Laser. After evaluating the issue, the rehabilitation doctor may recommend the use of rázové vlny nebo moderní laseru
  • Manipulation and Manual Therapy. These are used to restore joint mobility, range of motion, and can help reduce pain.
  • Recommendation for Physiotherapy Procedures. Helps coordinate the physiotherapist’s approach, especially in more complex cases.
Physiotherapist doing healing treatment on womans back. Back pain patient, treatment, medical doctor, massage syndrome

Doctor or physiotherapy?

Physiotherapist doing healing treatment on womans back. Back pain patient, treatment, medical doctor, massage syndrome

A rehabilitation doctor can help with complex cases.

  • Physiotherapy is a suitable choice in cases where the diagnosis has been established, there are no complicated issues (e.g., those involving inflammation), or it involves preventive care. 
  • In more complex cases, collaboration with a rehabilitation doctor is advisable. This includes significant injuries or trauma, pain accompanied by signs of inflammation, or pain that does not respond well to treatment. The rehabilitation doctor has a wide range of options to help clients.

Experience helps.

At Fyzio Svět, we have a team of experienced healthcare professionals.

At Fyzio Svět, a certified rehabilitation doctor works together with a team of experienced physiotherapists. This close collaboration enables effective treatment of the underlying causes of your problems. We are here to help.

* Treatment outcome depends on the patient's individual predispositions, we cannot guarantee the results. We will do our best for a successful treatment.

Other Services.

Back pain.

Acute or chronic pain in the spine, blockages, SI joints, intervertebral discs, pain radiating to the limbs.
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Pain presented in the forehead and temple, behind the eye, at the back of the head, tension headache, pain associated with the cervical spine, migraines.
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Jaw joint physiotherapy.

Pain, cracking, movement restrictions, asymmetry, tinnitus, bruxism.
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Gynecology and obstetrics.

Prenatal care and preparation for childbirth, pregnancy and postpartum care, diastasis, painful menstruation, infertility, coccyx pain and pelvic floor disorders.
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Shockwave therapy and laser.

Heel spur, tennis elbow, calcification, chronic joint pain, tendon and ligament pain, trigger point release.
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Sports physiotherapy.

Treatment after injury or surgery, compensation excercises, individual care for young talented athletes.
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Physiotherapy for children and infants.

Movement diagnostics. Assistance with pain, asymmetry, suboptimal motor development in children, and other conditions.
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Book an apointment.

We can usually make an appointment for acute cases in Prague within 24 hours.
We will contact you by phone and schedule an appointment. During working hours, we'll call within 60 minutes.

Or call us right away

Within working hours, we will arrange a term immediately on the phone.


Fyzio svět s.r.o.
Čechova 587/29
Praha 7, 170 00
Clinic is on the 4th floor. You can leave your stroller parked in the passageway and take the portable car seat upstairs using the elevator.

Public transport: The nearest stop Letenské náměstí is easily accessible by tram from the metro stations Hradčanská (A) and Vltavská (C).
By car: Free 2h parking available in the newly opened Stromovka shopping center (10 minutes walk) or use the purple zones on Nad Královskou Oborou street (pay at the local parking machines).

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Contact and opening hours



Opening Hours.

07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00