Shockwave therapy and laser.

Heel spur, tennis elbow, calcification, chronic joint pain, tendon and ligament pain, trigger point release.
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Treatment of tendon and ligament pain.

Acute or chronic pain in muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments? We effectively address it with modern Swiss-quality technology*.

When combined with functional diagnostics and gradually prescribed rehabilitative exercises, shockwave therapy is one of the best options to eliminate persistent chronic issues. It’s an ideal choice for anyone looking for a quick return to full performance.

Myofascial Trigger Point release.

Shockwave therapy and high-power laser are excellent for releasing painful points in muscles, known as myofascial trigger points.

The effectiveness of shockwave therapy has been demonstrated in numerous clinical studies and falls under evidence-based medicine. The therapy is effective, safe, and usually involves 3–5 sessions at weekly intervals with a single dose of 2000–5000 impulses. The first visit includes a detailed diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system, treatment, and recommendations for compensatory exercises or lifestyle changes, which is why each therapy session with us typically lasts an hour. During the first two days after application, there may be a temporary increase in pain—known as the healing inflammation phase, during which healing immune responses are triggered. Therefore, it is not advisable to suppress this inflammation with anti-inflammatory medications.

Effects of shock wave therapy.


Shockwave therapy has a range of effects on tissue. Calcified deposits in tendon attachments (calcifications) are disrupted by the wave’s pressure phase and subsequently absorbed by the vascular and lymphatic systems. The therapy alters blood circulation in the area, causing local hyperemia and initiating the process of neovascularization (formation of new blood vessels). The mechanical energy applied perpendicularly to muscle fibers leads to muscle relaxation by releasing actin-myosin bonds. Positive effects on the quality of bone and connective tissue structures and support for stem cell differentiation have been proven. The analgesic effect of the treatment is significant, reducing the sensitivity of pain-transmitting fibers, influencing inhibitory interneurons, and other neurophysiological and biochemical processes (e.g., reducing the release of substance P, lasting up to 6 weeks after application)—leading to long-term pain relief*.

Effects of high-power laser therapy.

Reduces pain and inflammation, promotes healing and immune response, heats and penetrates deep into tissues.

The main difference from low-power lasers (commonly found in rehabilitation centers) is its enhanced thermal and analgesic effects. It allows for much deeper tissue penetration and higher laser radiation intensity. It increases blood circulation at the application site without the risk of tissue damage. The increased blood flow oxygenates the tissue more and speeds up the removal of waste products. The laser can enhance the nonspecific immune response and combat inflammation. The enhanced analgesic effect is achieved by stimulating nerve endings, which block the transmission of pain through the nervous system, while also releasing internal opioids. The reason we often use the laser is its biostimulatory effect, accelerating cell division, collagen production, vascular regeneration, and improving cellular energy metabolism. All this significantly speeds up healing. For more information, see the following article.

What laser therapy can help you with.

Joint pain, ligament pain, back pain, scar healing, muscle injuries, TMJ, tinnitus.

  • Support for scar healing 
  • Muscle and tendon strains, tears, sports injuries, hematomas, swelling
  • Tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow
  • Jumper’s knee, Osgood-Schlatter disease
  • Achilles tendon pain
  • Heel spur and plantar fasciitis
  • Joint pain, osteoarthritis, arthritis, back pain
  • TMJ pain and tinnitus

Back to full performance!


Combining shockwave therapy with appropriate exercises is one of the quickest ways to return to full performance after injury or surgery. An excellent choice not only for professional athletes! We are the physiotherapists for the winners.


The most common diagnoses we treat with shock wave therapy:


  • Painful shoulder conditions  
  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
  • Hip pain
  • Insertional pain—e.g., jumper’s knee  
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Heel spur and plantar fasciitis
  • Myofascial Trigger point release
  • Calcifications and insertional pain
  • Chronic tendinopathy
* Treatment outcome depends on the patient's individual predispositions, we cannot guarantee the results. We will do our best for a successful treatment.

Other Services.

Back pain.

Acute or chronic pain in the spine, blockages, SI joints, intervertebral discs, pain radiating to the limbs.
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Pain presented in the forehead and temple, behind the eye, at the back of the head, tension headache, pain associated with the cervical spine, migraines.
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Jaw joint physiotherapy.

Pain, cracking, movement restrictions, asymmetry, tinnitus, bruxism.
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Gynecology and obstetrics.

Prenatal care and preparation for childbirth, pregnancy and postpartum care, diastasis, painful menstruation, infertility, coccyx pain and pelvic floor disorders.
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Sports physiotherapy.

Treatment after injury or surgery, compensation excercises, individual care for young talented athletes.
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Physiotherapy for children and infants.

Movement diagnostics. Assistance with pain, asymmetry, suboptimal motor development in children, and other conditions.
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Treatment by a rehabilitation doctor.

Diagnosis of the underlying cause, ultrasound examination, injections and medication applied to the site of pain, treatment strategy planning.
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Book an apointment.

We can usually make an appointment for acute cases in Prague within 24 hours.
We will contact you by phone and schedule an appointment. During working hours, we'll call within 60 minutes.

Or call us right away

Within working hours, we will arrange a term immediately on the phone.


Fyzio svět s.r.o.
Čechova 587/29
Praha 7, 170 00
Clinic is on the 4th floor. You can leave your stroller parked in the passageway and take the portable car seat upstairs using the elevator.

Public transport: The nearest stop Letenské náměstí is easily accessible by tram from the metro stations Hradčanská (A) and Vltavská (C).
By car: Free 2h parking available in the newly opened Stromovka shopping center (10 minutes walk) or use the purple zones on Nad Královskou Oborou street (pay at the local parking machines).

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Contact and opening hours



Opening Hours.

07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00