Jaw joint physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy for Jaw Joint Pain and Disorders (Temporomandibular Dysfunction). Rehabilitation based on the latest advancements in Western medicine.
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Non-surgical solutions to your problem*.

One joint to rule them all.

The jaw joint is one of the most used joints in the body and has a significant impact on almost the entire body! Jaw joint pain is often felt when opening the mouth, chewing, and sometimes even at rest. Pain can occur directly in the joint (just in front of the ear) or radiate to the teeth and head. Clicking sounds and limited mouth opening are also common.
The causes of jaw joint pain vary. It can result from injury or inflammation of the joint. The jaw joint is also influenced by the alignment of the teeth. Chewing muscles respond to psychological stress, and injury can even occur from a visit to your dentist. We specialize in non-surgical solutions for jaw joint problems. If surgical consultation is necessary, we refer to trusted facilities with our recommendation.

The jaw joint controls posture.

Jaw Joint Disorder : Scoliosis

There is a strong connection between the jaw joint (TMJ, temporomandibular joint), scoliosis, and overall healthy posture. We explore this topic in detail in the article Does Your Bite and Jaw Joint Affect Body Alignment?
Jaw joint disorders can lead to numerous health problems, primarily headaches and migraines, as well as tinnitus or changes in posture. The jaw joint directly affects the cervical spine. Spinal tension, in turn, alters the quality of movement throughout the body, increases muscle tension, and makes the musculoskeletal system more vulnerable.
Some of our clients spent years suffering from neck and head pain without any effective treatment. We were finally able to help them through exercises combined with jaw joint relaxation*.


How physiotherapy works.

Restoring Natural Movement and Muscle Function*.

The physiotherapist will first use manual techniques and exercises to restore the natural movement of the jaw and muscle function. You will learn to recognize and strengthen proper posture. This improves the resting position of the jaw, head, neck, and shoulders during everyday activities like walking, sports, or sitting at a computer. The physiotherapist will also teach you techniques and exercises you can use in the future to keep your jaw joint functioning properly and to relieve pain on your own.

We identify the cause and offer solutions for jaw pain, clicking, limited movement, or asymmetry*. During rehabilitation, we always address the question of why the problem occurred. The reward can be long-term relief or the permanent elimination of symptoms.

Experience helps.

The World of Orthodontics, Joint Clinics, Jaw Surgery Centers.

Thanks to our collaboration with Svět Rovnátek, the largest orthodontic clinic in the world offering modern invisible braces treatment, working with the jaw joint is part of our daily routine. In addition to orthodontics, we also treat clients from joint clinics and jaw surgery centers across the Czech Republic.

Our physiotherapists address jaw joint issues as frequently as a physiotherapist in a general clinic treats back pain. The experience we gain is invaluable! Knowledge alone is not enough; experience truly makes a difference.


* Treatment outcome depends on the patient's individual predispositions, we cannot guarantee the results. We will do our best for a successful treatment.

Other Services.

Back pain.

Acute or chronic pain in the spine, blockages, SI joints, intervertebral discs, pain radiating to the limbs.
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Pain presented in the forehead and temple, behind the eye, at the back of the head, tension headache, pain associated with the cervical spine, migraines.
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Gynecology and obstetrics.

Prenatal care and preparation for childbirth, pregnancy and postpartum care, diastasis, painful menstruation, infertility, coccyx pain and pelvic floor disorders.
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Shockwave therapy and laser.

Heel spur, tennis elbow, calcification, chronic joint pain, tendon and ligament pain, trigger point release.
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Sports physiotherapy.

Treatment after injury or surgery, compensation excercises, individual care for young talented athletes.
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Physiotherapy for children and infants.

Movement diagnostics. Assistance with pain, asymmetry, suboptimal motor development in children, and other conditions.
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Treatment by a rehabilitation doctor.

Diagnosis of the underlying cause, ultrasound examination, injections and medication applied to the site of pain, treatment strategy planning.
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Book an apointment.

We can usually make an appointment for acute cases in Prague within 24 hours.
We will contact you by phone and schedule an appointment. During working hours, we'll call within 60 minutes.

Or call us right away

Within working hours, we will arrange a term immediately on the phone.


Fyzio svět s.r.o.
Čechova 587/29
Praha 7, 170 00
Clinic is on the 4th floor. You can leave your stroller parked in the passageway and take the portable car seat upstairs using the elevator.

Public transport: The nearest stop Letenské náměstí is easily accessible by tram from the metro stations Hradčanská (A) and Vltavská (C).
By car: Free 2h parking available in the newly opened Stromovka shopping center (10 minutes walk) or use the purple zones on Nad Královskou Oborou street (pay at the local parking machines).

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Contact and opening hours



Opening Hours.

07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00
07:00 - 20:00