I enjoy sports, and it plays a big part in my personal life, shaping our family routine. My partner is a professional athlete (a sprint canoeist) who competed in the Olympic Games in London and Tokyo. My experience in sports and profession gives me a detailed understanding of movement. I enjoy analyzing movement, removing limitations, and thus improving the quality of life on all levels. For me, movement is a joy, and I encourage my children and clients to stay physically active.
In my work, I base my approach on human developmental movement and apply insights from the Vojta method. I have gained experience in treating clients with complex neurological or orthopedic conditions, not only in adults but also in children. Through targeted therapy and muscle strengthening, I work towards restoring maximum muscle function. At the same time, I am actively involved in functional training and continue to develop professionally in these areas. I speak English fluently and look forward to meeting you. This physiotherapy practice in the Czech Republic seems to offer a holistic, individualized, and modern approach, focusing on everything from sports rehabilitation to gynecological health.
Univerzitu Karlovu v Praze, 2. lékařská fakulta, fyzioterapie – Mgr.
Univerzitu Karlovu v Praze, Fakulta tělovýchovy a sportu – Bc.
Universität Konstanz- Germany (program Erasmus) Sportwissenschaft (Sport-Medizin), 2008 – 2009
Aplikace vývojové kineziologie podle Vojty u hybných poruch v dospělém věku (RL Corpus)
Dynamická neuromuskulární stabilizace (DNS) A, B, C, D (prof. Kolář)
Komplexní terapie triggerpointů a globální reciproční svalová inhibice (Mgr. Bitnar)
Komplexní terapie pletence ramenního (Mgr. Bitnar)
Aplikační techniky ve fyzikální terapii (Mgr. Urban)
Hluboký stabilizační systém páteře (Mgr. Bitnar)
Diagnostika a kinezioterapie u Idiopatické skoliózy (PhDr. I. Pallová Ph.D),
Klappovo lezení – Kvadrupedální lokomoce v prevenci a léčbě (J. Čápová, Mgr. T. Debowski)
Certifikát High intensity LASER terapeut (BTL, odborné školení)
Rázová vlna v muskuloskeletální medicíně (MUDr. Nedělka)