Movement has been a part of my life since childhood. I was always drawn to dance, fascinated by the range of movements the human body can achieve and what can be expressed through movement. Dance was the path that led me to physiotherapy. Studying physiotherapy at the Faculty of Physical Culture at Palacký University in Olomouc and later at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague taught me to approach the treatment process with responsibility, focusing on finding the true cause of problems and following current research findings. I enjoy guiding clients on their path to health, and it brings me joy when they leave therapy feeling better and with a clearer understanding of what’s happening in their body.
BSc. degree in Physiotherapy at Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Physical Culture
MSc. degree in Physiotherapy at 2. Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague
Kurz Kineziotapingu I. – EduSpa College
Kurz jógové terapie ajurvédy – MAJDA Agency Brno
Temporomandibulární kloub – Úvodní díl – Groofy Brno
Certifikovaný kurz manuální lymfodrenáže – Mgr. Helena Toušková
Viscerovertebrální vztahy se zaměřením na terapii gastroezofageálního reflexu – PhDr. Petr Bitnar
Kurz Vojtovy metody pro vysoké školy – RL Corpus
Temporomandibulární dysfunkce – Tzvika Greenbaum (Izrael)
Celostní přístup ošetření jizev z pohledu integrační fyzioterapie – PhDr. Michaela Prokošová, Ph.D.
Praktický kurz sonografie pohybového aparátu část I.: Horní končetina – MUDr. Kamal Mezian, Ph.D.
Terapie dysfunkcí pánevního dna – Mgr. Michaela Havlíčková, Mgr. Eva Dejmková
Úvod do léčby radiální tlakovou vlnou ve fyzioterapii – Mgr. Jakub Katolický
Specialized in:
Laser therapy
Sports physio
Visceral therapy