The Ludmila Mojžíšová Method in the 21st Century
Ludmila Mojžíšová was a prominent figure in Czech rehabilitation during the 20th century, best known for her focus on helping women with fertility issues. She developed a method that was initially used to successfully treat clients with back pain. Later, it was discovered by chance that women who had been trying to conceive for years and had not responded to standard fertility treatments became pregnant after undergoing her therapy. Her method also showed positive effects in treating headaches, menstrual pain, irregular menstrual cycles, and more.
Her method needed further validation, so she began collaborating with renowned gynecologist Professor Evžen Čech. Together, they conducted a study in which 35% of a group of 105 infertile women became pregnant after being treated with her method. She publicly presented her successes for the first time in 1984 at the National Congress of Gynecologists in Bratislava. In 1990, on the recommendation of Professor MUDr. Vladimír Janda (an expert in rehabilitation), the method was approved as “Rehabilitation Treatment of Certain Types of Female Sterility Using the L. Mojžíšová Method.”
Conditions the Method Can Help With
Gynecological Conditions
- Functional female sterility (reversible infertility) – 34% success rate
- Infertility characterized by frequent miscarriages
- Cycle disorders – painful menstruation, absence or irregular cycles, regulation of cycle length and intensity of menstrual bleeding
- Increased success of assisted reproduction
- Pain during intercourse, lack of orgasm
- Pregnancy-related pain and preparation for childbirth – with a gynecologist’s approval, pelvic floor muscle relaxation can be performed 2-3 weeks before delivery to ease labor
- Urinary or fecal incontinence (if no structural disorder is present), urinary retention
- Weakness of pelvic floor muscles – for example, after gynecological and urological surgeries
- Retroversion of the uterus
- Active scars and adhesions after inflammations or abdominal surgeries
- Frequent inflammations (endometriosis), urinary tract infections, or kidney issues
Male Infertility
- A statistically significant improvement in sperm count and quality in 37% of cases
Spine and Musculoskeletal Pain
- Back, neck, and head pain, as well as spinal joint blockages
- Scoliosis in children under 15
- Tailbone pain
- Hip pain
If you’re unsure whether the L. Mojžíšová Method could help with your specific condition, feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to provide advice and further explanation.
The L. Mojžíšová Method in Practice
Active Exercises
Many people believe that the L. Mojžíšová Method consists only of exercises designed to aid conception. These exercises are carefully chosen to address common pathologies in women with functional sterility, but from a physiotherapy perspective, they are quite standard exercises. They focus on improving the mobility of the spine and pelvis, releasing the sacroiliac joint (SI), and strengthening or stretching muscles that influence the alignment of the spine, pelvis, and tailbone. Ludmila Mojžíšová placed great importance on strengthening the gluteal muscles. Some women performed certain exercises up to 40 times a day, gradually increasing repetitions each week.
Although these exercises are the most popular among couples trying to conceive, they make up only a small part of the entire method.
The core of the method deals with the pelvic floor muscles, which are influenced reflexively. Along with active exercises, the method includes special therapeutic techniques, such as mobilization of key joints to remove blockages. Mojžíšová focused on mobilizing the ribs, spine (including the tailbone), and pelvis, areas frequently addressed in physiotherapy. If you are seeking help with infertility, it’s essential to visit a physiotherapist trained in the Mojžíšová Method.
The method is based on vertebrovisceral (where back pain affects internal organs) and viscerovertebral (where internal organ issues cause back pain) relationships, which provide great value to physiotherapy. For example, the 5th rib has a direct influence on the sacroiliac joint, and the 7th rib affects sperm count in men. Therefore, the method can help not only women with functional sterility but also men. The body is highly interconnected, and Mojžíšová observed and described many of these critical relationships.
Coccyx Mobilization via Rectum
A key aspect of the Mojžíšová Method is the mobilization of the coccyx (tailbone) through the rectum. This is performed after the client has successfully undergone mobilizations of the ribs, pelvis, and spine. The body is then prepared to safely release blockages and tension in the pelvic floor. Preparation includes several weeks of active exercises at home. The client’s response to the treatment is crucial, so this examination is not performed during the first session. The client is always informed about the treatment steps, and this technique is only carried out with their consent. Not all clients require coccyx mobilization. If no primary issue is found in the coccyx and pelvic floor, and the body responds well to treatment, this step may be unnecessary.
This technique is typically performed after menstruation, as pelvic floor muscle tension is lowest at this time, making it easier to work with and ensuring a longer-lasting effect. Mobilizing the coccyx improves blood flow to the pelvic floor muscles, as well as to the gynecological organs.
Enhancing the Method with Modern Physiotherapy Techniques
Targeted Diagnosis
Pelvic floor muscles can be either overstrained or weakened, and the treatment varies depending on the condition. Sometimes part of the pelvic floor muscles are overly tense, while another part is too relaxed. This is why a thorough initial diagnosis is essential. In Mojžíšová’s time, the approach to treatment was more uniform. Today, university-trained physiotherapists can tailor more effective treatments to the client’s current state.
Personalized Exercise Routine
Similarly, exercise regimens have shifted away from strict adherence to a standard set of exercises. We take an individualized approach, tailoring each exercise to the client. Some exercises may relax the pelvic floor instead of activating it, or vice versa. You may wonder why this is the case. In Mojžíšová’s time, women typically did physically demanding work, leading to overstrained pelvic floor muscles, which needed relaxation. Nowadays, many women work in offices, so the issue is often the opposite, and the focus is on strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.
The exercises we prescribe often include proper breathing techniques using the diaphragm, which promotes better blood flow to the internal organs, including the gynecological organs.
Releasing Tension in Organs and Scars
We also incorporate targeted treatment of abdominal organs using a gentle visceral massage, a technique learned by Czech physiotherapists from French doctor Dr. Baral (the concept of Visceral Manipulation). In some cases, this is highly effective in accelerating treatment, especially for clients with scars or adhesions in the abdominal area.
If scars are present, they also require attention. Scars from various abdominal surgeries, even laparoscopic ones, can lead to the formation of adhesions. Adhesions in the abdominal cavity can impair the function of internal organs and cause functional sterility. We use soft tissue techniques to treat scars, and clients are taught to perform these techniques regularly at home, ensuring long-term release of tension in the area. Fascial manipulation also helps by removing adhesions around scars and restoring the smooth movement of deep tissue layers.
Fasciální manipulace
In selected cases, we use fascial manipulation techniques in infertility treatment. This is a modern method developed by a team of scientists and doctors at the University of Padua in Italy. Fascial manipulation helps harmonize tension in fascial chains (the connective tissue that covers the entire body). The principle of this technique is to gradually remove various compensations that the body has created, layer by layer, like peeling an onion. When one layer is removed, another issue may become apparent, allowing us to address tension in the musculoskeletal system comprehensively and over the long term.
DNS Core Training
Využíváme také dynamickou neuromuskulární stabilizaci (DNS) podle prof. Koláře, která se výborně hodí k posílení hlubokých svalů trupu. Toto je velká výhoda oproti původní sestavě cviků. Pokud totiž chceme dosáhnout dlouhodobého efektu léčby musíme ovlivnit i mozek, který svaly řídí. Během jakéhokoliv pohybu mozek nejprve vysílá signály hlubokým stabilizátorům trupu a až poté aktivuje svaly povrchové. Mezi hluboké stabilizátory patří bránice, pánevní dno, hluboké svaly břicha a páteře. Všechny tyto svaly musí vzájemně spolupracovat, pokud tomu tak není dojde k přetížení. Přetížení se ale klinicky neprojeví na hlubokých svalech, ale na těch povrchových např. bolestí hlavy, krční nebo bederní páteře nebo bolestí kloubů končetin. Zde je vidět, jak zásadní roli pánevní dno hraje. Je jedno jestli jsou jeho svaly přetížené nebo oslabené. Zásadní je, že jeho spoluhráči za těchto okolností nemohou plnit správně svou funkci.
Na svalech pánevního dna “leží” ženské pohlavní a močové orgány. Pokud jsou tyto svaly ve zvýšeném napětí, přenáší se to i na gynekologické orgány (vaječníky, vejcovody, dělohu a pochvu) a urologické orgány, které pak nefungují normálně. Toto napětí navíc mění postavení kostrče, která může být tažena směrem dopředu nebo do strany. Tuto změnu postavení kostrče velmi často nacházíme u klientek s funkční ženskou sterilitou. Kostrč totiž tvoří základnu páteře a její chybné postavení výrazně ovlivní nejen plodnost, ale i stabilitu celé páteře.
Is the Method Suitable for Men?
Mojžíšová often mentioned that infertility is not just a woman’s issue but that of the couple. Men are encouraged to undergo treatment with the Mojžíšová Method to increase the chances of conception.
Recommendations for Men
We advise men to avoid long-distance cycling and running, wearing tight pants, keeping mobile phones in trouser pockets, exposing themselves to high temperatures (such as saunas or hot baths), and using laptops on their laps. These factors increase temperature in areas where it is not desirable. Sperm need a lower temperature than normal body temperature to mature properly.
How to Proceed with Fertility Issues?
f a couple has not conceived after a year of unprotected intercourse, we recommend first evaluating the sperm quality of the male partner, as this is a non-invasive test. If the spermogram is normal, the next step is a gynecological and internal examination of the female partner. If no cause of infertility is found, such as infections or blockages, physiotherapy is a suitable next step. The therapist works to release blockages and tension in the body that may be affecting the pelvic organs, improving blood flow and function. This can increase the chance of natural conception and the success rate of assisted reproduction.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. As physiotherapists, we specialize in treating functional sterility and are happy to help.